We went onto a free download site (www.freesound.org) for music and found a scary ambient noise that sounded good for the when the camera pans around the forest and the clips which show text. It gives the clip an eery feel. We also added in an owl noise to the forest scene as it again gives the feel of a deserted place.
We found a couple of screams which we wanted to put over the last clip of the trailer when you see the people running away as the scream that was recorded wasn't very realistic. However, the scream is of only one person so we had to try and overlap the same clip twice to make it sound like more than one person is screaming.
We just need to add in some sound for the credits so the audience knows straight away that the trailer is going to be a horror.
This is a screenshot of the editing process in iMovie, showing the sound clips we have uploaded to scenes in the trailer.

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