Tuesday, 14 September 2010

What is a movie trailer and where might a trailer be seen?

A 'trailer' or 'preview' is an advertisement for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema, on whose screen they are shown. The term 'trailer' comes from when they used to be shown at the end of a feature film at the cinema, however this practise didn't last long because people used to leave the cinema after the film ended and not stick around for the trailers. The term 'trailer' has stuck, but they are shown before a feature film starts now.

Movie trailers are most commonly seen at the cinema before a feature film starts. However, Internet viewing has become increasingly popular for trailer viewings - especially for lower budget films that don't have huge amounts of money to spend on expensive cinema screenings. Trailers can also be seen on the television and can sometimes be broadcast over the radio.
By Kate.

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