For our other tasks, we have to produce a movie poster and a magazine cover to go alongside our trailer. I have already researched movie posters and our group are happy with the idea of using a similar style to the 'Blair With Project' poster and use a part of a face to show fear and anxiety. Now I need to research magazine covers which advertise scary films or even films of other genres just to see generally what the style is like and if it relates much with the actually narrative and plot of the movie they are in.
The poster on the left is of the two main characters in 'Paranormal Activity' appearing in the American magazine 'Entertainment weekly'. I think the image of the two relates to the narrative of the film because it shows them in a bed looking scared and worried. The majority of the film is filmed in the bedroom and the it is a scary film because they get haunted by a paranormal presence. Therefore, the magazine cover goes well and relates with the movie.
Although, 'Batman: The Dark Knight' is not really classed as a horror film, I think this magazine cover is a really good example of an image that relates to the film. Heath Ledger is dressed in the same outfit that he wears in the film and is in character which makes you relate to the film and our knowledge of the film. The look on his face realtes to the character he plays as well and advertises the film well. It would have a very different effect if it was just an image of Heath Ledger dressed normally, posing for a normal shoot.

Here is another example of an Empire magazine cover and I managed to find one with a horror film advertised on the front. Although the horror film is not the same genre as ours and is quite an old film, it still shows us how the front cover is set out and how the image advertises the film as if the image is a still from the movie.
The image has a lot of red in it which has connotations of danger and evil, which signifies to the audience that this is a horror film. For our movie, I think darker colours with a green tint would suit better for our paranormal effect.
For our magazine cover which advertises our film, we need to have an image that connects with both the trailer and the movie poster, otherwise there will be no connection from the audience to the the trailer.